Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Head Cases

Something I've witnessed in my musical heroes is a sort of inferiority complex that comes about either from traumatic experience or just plain physical inferiority. The people I'm talking about are Elliott Smith and Rivers Cuomo.

I think after having some abuse in early childhood--on top of his getting into drugs at an early age--really fucked with him for the rest of his life. Something I've noticed with my own experiences regarding inferiority complexes, is that if someone notices something wrong, they will obviously try to help. However, this sometimes can add to the feeling of inferiority for the individual because this 'care' justifies their belief that they are in fact inferior and that the care being given is synthetic. This is something I've heard in a lot of his music. The song that illustrates this best I think is "Everybody Cares Everybody Understands". This is a very very dark song.

My other musical hero Rivers Cuomo had a physical inferiority complex growing up; he spells out his own problems right here, and seems to be actually a really positive guy despite his condition: